November 12, 2021 MEETING MINUTES

1. Roll Call and Introductions
DUWA Chair Gail McLeod (Allen Park) called the hybrid meeting to order at 9:02 AM and asked for roll call to be taken. At the time of roll call, voting representatives were in attendance from 11 communities either in person or virtually via Zoom: Allen Park, Belleville, Dearborn Heights, Ecorse, Lincoln Park, River Rouge, Riverview, Southgate, Taylor, Van Buren Township, and Wyandotte. A quorum (at least 7 members) was present.

2. Approval of Agenda
Copies of the Agenda were made available prior to the meeting (Attachment 1). Motion by Doug Drysdale (Riverview) and supported by Rick Rutherford (Belleville) to approve the Agenda. The motion passed unanimously by all attending members.

3. Approval of Minutes from October 14, 2021 Board Meeting
Copies of the meeting minutes from the October 14, 2021 Board meeting were distributed by email prior to the meeting (Attachment 2). Motion by Rick Rutherford (Belleville) and supported by Greg Mayhew (Wyandotte) to approve the minutes. The motion passed unanimously by all attending members.

4. Legal Update
Attorney Brandon Grysko, of Fausone Bohn, provided the Legal Update.

a. General Counsel Monthly Report
Attorney Grysko stated that a written summary of the monthly legal update was provided in the pre-meeting Board packet (Attachment 3). He noted that the Fausone Bohn team has been assisting the System Manager with contract reviews related to VJM’s roofing repair work at the DWTF, pollution liability insurance, and the Arkema sewer outfall easement, among others. The Fausone Bohn team also reviewed the System Manager Evaluation Survey responses.

b. System Manager Evaluation Summary
Attorney Grysko summarized the results of the System Manager Evaluation Survey, which was conducted via Survey Monkey. Ten (10) survey responses were received and were overwhelmingly positive. Based on the survey responses, the Board believes the System Manager is doing a good job and is pleased with their good working relationship with the Contract Operator, Veolia.

5. System Manager Update
System Manager Vyto Kaunelis, of OHM Advisors, provided a verbal summary of activities since the last meeting. A written summary was provided in the pre-meeting Board packet for the System Manager Report (Attachment 4).

a. System Manager Monthly Report
System Manager Kaunelis noted the following highlights from the System Manager Report:

  • The System Manager is appreciative of the positive survey responses received, and considers it a pleasure to work with the DUWA Board.
  • EGLE requested an updated schedule for the delay of the Control Measure D Improvements (Upper Tunnel Control) project instead of approving its elimination altogether. EGLE is not requiring schedule commitments, but would like to see a long-term plan for reducing blending occurrences. The System Manager worked with Veolia to provide EGLE with a draft response and long-term schedule. The draft response includes completing the current Control Measures projects before identifying further improvements needed. The response also includes consideration of participating in the CMOM program, which can be used to help identify capacity and O&M issues within the wastewater system. EGLE is currently reviewing this draft response. The response will be formally submitted following EGLE’s review.
  • A draft version of a revised and condensed flow metering report has been developed that presents the information in an executive summary format to facilitate quick review and understanding. Procedures to simplify the development of these reports will be implemented so that the reports can be generated in a timely fashion.
  • The Annual Asset Management Plan (AMP) report update was provided to EGLE. Veolia reviewed and refined the projects that need to be done and determined improvements needed in the upcoming year. These improvement projects were included in the Small Capital budget after review by the Finance and Technical Committees.
  • Raftelis is continuing to work on developing the rate methodology. The Town Hall has been scheduled for Friday, December 3rd at which Raftelis will provide cost projections for the alternate rate methodology. Raftelis performed an excess flow regression analysis on Ecorse’s data, and the Ecorse data appeared to be an outlier compared to the other communities. No definitive explanation could be provided without extensive additional field work, so their data may be considered an outlier and excluded from the excess flow regression analyses. Raftelis will discuss this more during the Town Hall.
  • The roofing repair work by VJM was scheduled to be completed by November 15th, however this schedule will likely not be met. VJM noted that there have been some wet weather days that have impacted the schedule. Attorney Brandon Grysko, of Fausone Bohn, is reviewing the contract and will determine the appropriate reaction and whether liquidated damages will be assessed. Intertek continues to perform construction observation to ensure VJM provides a quality work product.
  • Additional infiltration areas were identified in the Fordline Interceptor per the post-grouting inspection video. This item will be discussed later in this meeting.

Riverview Attorney Kerry Morgan asked if the draft response to EGLE regarding the Control Measure D Improvement project could be shared with the Legal Committee. System Manager Kaunelis responded that this will be shared with the Legal Committee, and once EGLE responds to the draft response, the final response will also be provided to the Legal Committee for review prior to formal submission to EGLE. Riverview Attorney Kerry Morgan asked how EGLE’s request was communicated and if the written responses and correspondence could be shared with the Legal Committee. System Manager Kaunelis responded that following the initial submission, EGLE provided a letter stating they wanted to see a long-term plan for reducing blending events. Following the receipt of that letter, a phone call was held with EGLE to discuss in detail what they are looking for, then the draft response was provided to EGLE and is currently being reviewed. No commitments to EGLE have yet been made in the understanding that approval of DUWA’s committees is necessary prior to entering into any commitments. EGLE’s written responses and comments will be circulated to the Legal Committee for review and feedback.

b. Biosolids Dryer Facility Project
The biosolids dryer facility monthly progress report is provided in the pre-meeting Board package (Attachment 5). There is a delay in the delivery of the glass-lined ductile iron pipe fittings that are to be installed on the piping from the centrifuge bins to the dryers. Delivery schedules for this specialty pipe fitting continue to be delayed as this type of material is currently unavailable. The construction team is looking into alternative material options, but no final action has yet been determined.

Jim Taylor (Van Buren Township) suggested that the Board think about how future contracts should be structured considering that material delays are likely going to continue to be a problem across many different projects due to COVID-19. System Manager Kaunelis agreed with this comment adding that he empathizes with the contractors considering that they deal with limited supplies and a short-staffed work force. Attorney Brandon Grysko, of Fausone Bohn, added that contractors have the best feel for any personnel issues and supply chain delays they may experience on a project. Discussions with the contractor regarding potential schedule impacts or material shortages should be held during the contract development process to ensure the contract addresses these issues appropriately. Jim Taylor (Van Buren Township) added that it will be important for DUWA to be cognizant of any potential pitfalls, but does not want to scare away good contractors who fear of not meeting project deadlines.

Craig Lyon (Taylor) suggested that bidding and construction should be expected to be a 2-year process. The first year would be used to bid out the contract, award the contractor, and allow for the contractor to acquire materials. Construction would then be performed in the second year. This structure would allow for material delays to be absorbed in the first year of the contract. He noted that it is now very difficult to design, bid, and construct a project all in one year. System Manager Kaunelis added that spending increases due to the infrastructure bill will also exacerbate the supply issues.

Jim Taylor (Van Buren Township) suggested that it may be advantageous for a sub-committee to be developed to discuss supply chain delay issues, how to mitigate these challenges, and how to approach future capital improvement projects. System Manager Kaunelis will first work with DUWA’s Committees and receive their feedback on the project impacts.

6. Other Requests for Authorizations and Approvals
System Manager Lambrina Tercala, of OHM Advisors, provided the following requests to
the Board.

a. Fordline Interceptor Rehabilitation Requests
During Veolia’s CCTV efforts in 2020, two infiltration “runners” were identified at the I-75 overpass location. HRC prepared the bid, and Doetsch was awarded the contract. Upon mobilization, a third area of infiltration was identified, which required additional grout and days to complete the work. HRC performed the construction oversight and requested a change order for this additional work at the last Board meeting. The work that Doetsch has completed is included in today’s invoice register.

Upon review of the post-grouting inspection video, an additional area of infiltration was identified downstream of one of the areas of repair. Doetsch is requesting a change order for $47,200 to reconcile the extra grout and days required to complete repair of the third leak, adding additional grout quantity to repair the fourth leak, and to extend the completion date to account for this extra work (Attachment 6). HRC estimated that 200-300 gallons of grout would be necessary to repair the fourth leak, but included an estimate of 500 gallons of grout to be conservative. Doetsch will only be paid for the actual amount of grout used, and will not charge for the additional mobilization nor grout setup and installation.

HRC has been performing project management and construction oversight for this project. Considering that additional days will be needed for Doetsch to repair the fourth leak, HRC is requesting a change order for an additional 36 hours to complete the project (Attachment 7). Following completion of the repair, an additional post-grouting inspection video will be performed and reviewed. The total estimated project cost inclusive of both Doetsch’s and HRC’s base bids and amendments is approximately $176k.

The Technical Committee did not review Doetsch’s nor HRC’s requested amendments due to timing of receipt of these proposals.

Greg Mayhew (Wyandotte) asked whether there were any pipe characteristics discovered in the post-construction video that would indicate whether the next repair will be sufficient to adequately seal the pipe, or whether the pipe will continue to leak. System Manager Kaunelis responded that video clips are available, but it is difficult to tell where leaks may occur in a brick sewer as the video only shows the inside layer of brick. It is not unusual that once a leak is repaired, it finds the next weak spot in the pipe. Pressure testing of pipe joints is a common practice to identify potential leak locations, but this practice is difficult to do in a brick sewer. Greg Mayhew (Wyandotte) also asked whether another solution would be identified if leaks continue to occur. System Manager Kaunelis responded that if leaks continue to occur, the next solution would be to install a liner along the length of the pipe. System Manager Tercala added that grouting would be required prior to lining as well, such as was the case for the Alkali project.

Craig Lyon (Taylor) asked if pipe repairs are being recorded in GIS for historical tracking. System Manager Tercala responded that DUWA’s GIS database is updated with Veolia’s Collection System Manager’s field team data. Upcoming and completed projects are also being incorporated to the SEMCOG CIP Tracking tool.

Motion by Rick Rutherford (Belleville) and supported by James Krizan (Lincoln Park) to authorize the Chair or Vice Chair to sign Doetsch Environmental’s Change Order in association with the Fordline Interceptor rehabilitation efforts for a net project cost increase of $47,200. The motion passed unanimously with all attending members.

Motion by James Krizan (Lincoln Park) and supported by Greg Mayhew (Wyandotte) to authorize HRC for additional construction administration services associated with the Fordline Interceptor rehabilitation project. Services will be performed per HRC’s November 8, 2021 proposal for a NTE cost of $4,732. The work would be completed as a distinct task under HRC’s as-needed professional service contract with DUWA.

b. PC-1 Meter Replacement by Veolia
Veolia maintains multiple flow meters throughout the DUWA collection system. Accusonics meter P-1 failed, and replacement of this meter would cost around $200k. There are four other locations throughout the collection system that utilize the Accosnics meters. Veolia would like to replace meter P-1 with an Accusonics meter from one of the other four locations, and then replace that meter with a less expensive meter. ASI recommended that Accusonics meter PC-1 be replaced with an ADS Triton meter due to its lower criticality within the system. The former Accusonics meter at PC-1 will then be used for spare parts. The ADS Triton meter costs around $20k. The difference in cost between the meters is due to the different technology used and the number of sensors in each meter. The ADS Triton meter is simpler, but still provides the desired level of accuracy in the data.

The current estimate to replace the PC-1 Accusonics meter with an ADS Triton meter is $17,600, inclusive of Veolia’s 10% markup (Attachment 8). This fee will be paid from DUWA’s Small Capital Budget, and is not WIFIA eligible. The Technical Committee reviewed this request and recommended it for approval.

Rick Rutherford (Belleville) asked what the life expectancies are of these meters. System Manager Kaunelis responded that both Accusonics and ADS meters last about 10 years. The Accusonics meters are more useful in large diameter pipes because they have sensors at different levels of the pipe that feed into an algorithm that measures the time it takes for the signal to cross the pipe in proportion to the velocity. The ADS Triton meters only have one sensor at the bottom of the pipe. At the time the Accusonics meters were installed, the ADS Triton technology was not yet available. In relatively smaller diameter pipes, the ADS Triton meter is a sufficient alternative to provide a reasonable level of accuracy in the data. Jim Taylor (Van Buren Township) asked what the size of this pipe is. System Manager Kaunelis responded that it is a 54-inch pipe, which seems large, but is relatively small compared to other larger pipes such as those in the GLWA system.

Motion by Dustin Lent (Southgate) and supported by Doug Drysdale (Riverview) to authorize Veolia to replace the Accusonics flow meter at PC-1 with an ADS Triton+ flow meter for a fee of $17,600, which includes Veolia’s 10% markup. This fee will be paid from DUWA’s Small Capital Budget. The motion passed unanimously with all attending members.

7. Contract Operator Update
Kelly Irving, Veolia’s Program Manager, and Jason Tapp, of Veolia, provided the Contract Operator update.

a. September 2021 MOR
The September 2021 Monthly Operating Report (MOR) was provided in the Board’s pre-meeting packet (Attachment 9). Highlights from the summary and other updates included the following:

  • Plant operations were in compliance for the month of September, with no violations. This marks three years with no violations.
  • There was one wet weather event in September. The wet weather event at the end of October almost resulted in blending due to the high flows already at the DWTF, but the rain was spread out over several days, which helped the DWTF handle the flows. The plant ran at capacity for three days, but blending was not required.
  • There have been some challenges with the dryer project. Numerous plant shutdowns and dewatering shutdowns have occurred to accommodate the work by the contractors. Every process that is impacted by the shutdown is reviewed in order to come up with the best plan of action. Shutdown requests are sometimes modified to implement multiple, short shutdowns instead of one long shutdown.
  • Manhole inspections throughout the collection system are two-thirds complete. Some photos from the 360-degree camera are provided in the full report.
  • Ayyeka has been establishing cellular communication with the flow meters and rain gauges. There were initially some challenges with the ADS meters, but those have since been resolved. There are just a few Accusonics meters left to be converted to cellular.
  • The usage of consumables such as chemicals, water, and gas has stabilized and is trending as expected.
  • Many maintenance activities have been completed, including the following:
      • The clarifier tanks have been rotated, drained, cleaned, inspected, and repaired. This work will be performed in the spring as well.
      • The Control Measure A project involving increasing the secondary treatment capacity from 125 MGD to 137 MGD has been completed. New starters, flow baffles, and motors with higher horsepower capacity were installed. The new flow baffles keep the increased flow moving without breaching the sidewall. Early indications show that this improvement is working well. Secondary treatment has not yet received 137 MGD of flow, but has successfully handled 135 MGD of flow.
      • Preventative maintenance has been performed such as the installation of LED lightbulbs, the installation of solenoid valves on pumps, and the optimization of equipment.
      • The biosolids contractor installed three new polymer dosing pumps for the biosolids dryer project.
      • The influent sample line relocation is complete, including the installation of the pumps and samplers. The only outstanding item is the installation of the flow meter, which will tie into the SCADA system for monitoring.
  • There are two open positions that have been announced on MWEA forums and on Indeed. There have been seven applicants, but most have not responded when contacted.
  • Tours of the DWTF and ongoing biosolids dryer facility project are encouraged.

Chairperson McLeod (Allen Park) asked if tours of the DWTF can be held on weekends as some Council members are unavailable on weekdays. Program Manager Irving responded that tours can be held on weekdays, weekends, or weeknights.

Greg Mayhew (Wyandotte) asked about the flooding that occurred near Central and 7th Streets during the rain event in September. Jason Tapp, of Veolia, responded that Veolia was aware of the flooding. The cause of the flood was due to a gate issue at the facility located across the street from DWTF. It is understood that the flooding impacted nearby basements and cars. Greg Mayhew (Wyandotte) also asked if Program Manager Irving attends the Southgate-Wyandotte Board meetings. Program Manager Irving responded that she attends these and will be at the next meeting.

b. Annual Asset Management Plan Summary
The Annual Asset Management Plan report is required per the NPDES permit, and was posted on Basecamp. Veolia’s extensive program experience makes it relatively easy to meet NPDES permit requirements. The Asset Management piece was added to permits in the last five years, and has been a big change for many facilities with permits. The report was due by the end of October. The report includes a description of activities completed and upcoming projects. The maintenance model was used to come up with the $1.9M for the Small Capital Budget. In the future, a different model with more tools and capabilities will be used. Moving the warehouse into the plant from the building across the street saved approximately $50k per year. All items were inventoried, and obsolete parts were thrown away. Items with value were moved to cold storage for possible sale.

8. Treasurer’s Report

a. Quarterly Financial Statement – 2021Q3
Doug Drysdale (Riverview, DNS Accountant) presented the Quarterly Financial Statement (Attachment 10). Revenues include SRF billings to communities as well as proceeds from the WIFIA loan. It was initially expected that the WIFIA loan would be drawn down over the course of two years, but the entire WIFIA loan amount was drawn down in 2021. The operating revenue is slightly behind expectations as there are still some outstanding payments. The reimbursement to Allen Park is currently in the 5th year of the 6-year reimbursement plan. Non-residential user (NRU) fees are below the desired level at 63% as some communities are still trying to catch up on their payments since the new NRU fee process was put into place. Interest earnings are relatively low due to low interest rates, and work is being done to identify ways to increase interest earnings. Debt service includes principal and interest reported for bonds as well as bond issuance fees, which include those for the WIFIA loan. The debt service amount is expected to be lower in the future.

Expenditures include administrative fees for auditors, engineers, and the System Manager. It is expected that these fees will remain within budget through the end of the year. Plant operation expenditures include those for utilities, sludge hauling, and Veolia operations. Overall plant operation expenditures total 71%, which exceeds the targeted value. Most of the capital outlay expenditures are attributed to the biosolids dryer facility project. The net effect of Quarter 3 of 2021 is a surplus of $3.3M, much of which is from the WIFIA loan. It is expected that this surplus will decrease as more is spent on capital outlay through the end of the year. The balance sheet shows that cash is higher than in the beginning of the year due to the full drawdown of the WIFIA loan. It should be noted that the bonds have not yet been adjusted, and the bonds payable value will be reduced in the next financial statement.

b. CY2022-2023 Budget Preview
Doug Drysdale (Riverview, DNS Accountant) presented the CY2022-2023 Budget Preview, which was reviewed by the Finance Committee last week (Attachment 11). Under operating revenue, sewage disposal charges will increase by 4%. Non-residential user and industrial user fees will be reduced compared to the previous year’s budget. The year 2022 will be the last year for the Allen Park reimbursement payments. SRF billings to communities will be similar to those budgeted for in 2021. Interest earnings in 2023 are expected to be reduced as DUWA anticipates having less cash due to capital outlay projects. Under debt service, the debt principal of $400k for the WIFIA bond as well as the Promissory Note to Wayne County will be paid in 2023. Fees of approximately $11k will be paid to the EPA each year for the WIFIA bond.

A 3% inflation factor was added to the budget for Veolia’s operation of the plant. A small inflation factor was added for utilities. A budget for sludge hauling was included as a contingency in case the completion of the biosolids project is delayed. The budgeted amount for natural gas was increased as its usage will increase when the dryers come online. The budgeted amount for administrative fees is fairly consistent from year to year. An additional $18k was added to the audit fees budget for the required WIFIA single audit. The budgeted amount for insurance premiums is an estimate as rates are still being researched. The net revenue for 2022 is projected to be approximately negative $323k, however this includes some contingencies that may not be necessary. The net revenue for 2023 is projected to be approximately negative $3.4M due to the required Promissory Note to Wayne County. There may still be a few changes made to the budget, and the formal approval of the budget will be requested at the next Board meeting.

c. Aging AR
Treasurer Jason Couture presented the Aging Accounts Receivable report (Attachment 12). According to the Aging Accounts Receivable report, Dearborn Heights has an outstanding payment greater than 120 days. River Rouge and Allen Park have outstanding payments over 60 days, however the Allen Park payment should be shown as paid in next month’s report. There are several communities with outstanding payments over 30 days, however these are not yet of concern. Treasurer Couture asked that representatives of these communities coordinate with their Accounts Payable departments to address the outstanding invoices. Additionally, calls have been made to the various customers with outstanding payments to get their invoices paid, and many of these should be resolved by the end of the year.

Chairperson McLeod (Allen Park) noticed that DTE owes DUWA approximately $5,400, but DUWA is paying about $296k for utilities and asked if DUWA could just deduct what DTE owes DUWA from DUWA’s payment to DTE. Doug Drysdale (Riverview) responded that the electric utility payment in the invoice register is to Wyandotte, not to DTE, so the payment cannot be reduced.

Richard Marsh (River Rouge) asked who to call regarding the outstanding payments. Treasurer Couture responded that Doug Drysdale (Riverview) should be contacted as he holds the accounts receivable record.

d. Pending Invoices
Treasurer Couture presented the invoice register for a request for payment. The invoice register was provided in the pre-meeting packet (Attachment 13). The invoice register included 36 invoices due for a total of $5,390,631.04. Largest invoices included those to Veolia for O&M costs and unit cost reconciliations, Veolia d/b/a Kruger for the dryers for the biosolids project, Walsh for the biosolids dryer facility project, US Bank for the senior lien debt payment, and Wyandotte for utility services.

Motion by Jim Taylor (Van Buren Township) and supported by Greg Mayhew (Wyandotte) to pay the invoice register. The motion passed unanimously with all attending members.

9. Public Comment
There was no public comment.

10. Other Business
System Manager Tercala reminded the Board of several important upcoming meeting dates per her email in the pre-meeting packet (Attachment 14). She reminded the Board that correspondence related to Board meetings includes an email and a meeting invitation both with the same content. The next Technical Committee meeting will be held via Zoom on Thursday, December 2nd from 9:30am-11am. The Town Hall with Raftelis will be held via Zoom on December 3rd from 10am-12pm at which Raftelis will present the draft cost model. No information will be released ahead of the Town Hall to ensure everyone receives the information at the same time. The community luncheon will be held on Tuesday, December 7th from 11am-1pm at Wyandotte’s Yack ice arena. The goal of this luncheon is to generate elected officials’ interest in DUWA. At this luncheon, a presentation will be given providing an overview of DUWA. A link to RSVP was provided in the emailed meeting invitation. Anyone who is unable to access the RSVP link should contact System Manager Tercala.

Riverview Attorney Kerry Morgan asked why the information related to the Raftelis Town Hall cannot be provided ahead of the Town Hall. System Manager Tercala responded that they want to ensure everyone receives the information at the same time, so the information will be presented and then distributed following the Town Hall meeting. Only Plante Moran, OHM Advisors, and Paul Bohn would review the information ahead of time. Riverview Attorney Kerry Morgan asked whether an email with this information could be sent prior to the Town Hall noting that otherwise, the communities would be unprepared and would not have the chance to review the information to develop thoughtful questions. Chairperson McLeod (Allen Park) and Dave Flaten (Ecorse) agreed with this statement noting that reviewing the information prior to the meeting would help generate discussion during the meeting.

Jim Taylor (Van Buren Township) asked if the Board discussed the timing of the release of the cost model by Raftelis. System Manager Tercala responded that at the previous Town Hall meeting, it was suggested to present the cost model during another Town Hall meeting. Jim Taylor (Van Buren Township) stated he wants to ensure there is openness and transparency, and agrees with providing the information ahead of the Town Hall meeting provided that everyone receives the same information, not just the information related to their specific community. He also encouraged the Board members to refrain from inundating the Town Hall meeting with questions regarding their specific community, noting that communities can meet separately with Raftelis and OHM Advisors following the Town Hall meeting. Additionally, communities can compile their thoughts and questions in an email prior to the Town Hall, and pertinent topics or questions can be addressed during the Town Hall if many ask the same questions. System Manager Tercala stated that she can work with Raftelis on the logistics of providing this information.

Motion by Jim Taylor (Van Buren Township) and supported by Dave Flaten (Ecorse) to have the Raftelis cost model and supporting information be distributed by email 3-5 days prior to the Town Hall meeting. The motion passed unanimously with all attending members.

11. Next Board Meeting Date: Thursday, December 9, 2021 (9:00 AM; Hybrid)
Chairperson McLeod (Allen Park) reminded the Board that the next meeting would take place on Thursday, December 9, 2021 at 9:00 AM in a hybrid format (virtually via Zoom or in-person at Taylor City Hall).

12. Adjournment
There being no other business, Chairperson McLeod (Allen Park) announced that a motion to adjourn would be in order. Motion by Rick Rutherford (Belleville) and supported by James Krizan (Lincoln Park) to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed unanimously at 10:29 AM.

Meeting Minutes Prepared by:
Mackenzie Johnson, OHM Advisors, Engineer

Meeting Minutes Reviewed by:
Lambrina Tercala, OHM Advisors, DUWA System Manager

1. Meeting Agenda
2. October 14, 2021 DUWA Board Meeting Minutes
3. Monthly Legal Update (by Fausone Bohn)
4. System Manager Report for November 2021 Board Meeting (by OHM Advisors)
5. Biosolids Dryer Facility Project October 2021 Monthly Progress Summary (by Veolia)
6. Doetsch Environmental Change Order for the Fordline Interceptor Rehabilitation Work
7. HRC Amendment Proposal for the Fordline Interceptor Rehabilitation Work
8. Request for PC-1 Meter Replacement by Veolia
9. Monthly Operating Report for September 2021 (by Veolia)
10. Quarterly Financial Statement – 2021Q3 (by Doug Drysdale)
11. CY2022-2023 Budget Preview (by Doug Drysdale)
12. Aged Accounts Receivable Report, dated November 3, 2021 (by Doug Drysdale)
13. Invoice Register, dated November 8, 2021 (by Doug Drysdale)
14. Meeting Date Reminders (by Lambrina Tercala)