HYBRID MEETING (Taylor City Hall and Online)
1. Roll Call and Introductions
DUWA Chair Gail McLeod (Allen Park) called the hybrid meeting to order at 9:07 AM and asked for roll call to be taken. At the time of roll call, voting representatives were in attendance from 12 communities either in person or virtually via Zoom: Allen Park, Belleville, Brownstown Township, Dearborn Heights, Ecorse, Lincoln Park, Riverview, Romulus, Southgate, Taylor, Van Buren Township, and Wyandotte. A quorum (at least 7 members) was present.
2. Approval of Agenda
Copies of the Agenda were made available prior to the meeting (Attachment 1). Motion by Rick Rutherford (Belleville) and supported by Dave Flaten (Ecorse) to approve the Agenda. The motion passed unanimously by all attending members.
3. Approval of Minutes from June 10, 2021 Board Meeting
Copies of the meeting minutes from the June 10, 2021 Board meeting were distributed by email prior to the meeting (Attachment 2). Motion by Dustin Lent (Southgate) and supported by James Krizan (Lincoln Park) to approve the minutes. The motion passed unanimously by all attending members.
4. Legal Update
Attorney Jim Fausone, of Fausone Bohn, provided the Legal Update.
a. General Counsel Monthly Report
Attorney Fausone stated that a written summary of the monthly legal update was provided in the pre-meeting Board packet (Attachment 3). He noted that it was a pretty typical month in terms of legal support activities as the firm has been assisting the System Manager with a variety of contract reviews and related matters.
b. Adoption of Wire Transfer Policy
Attorney Fausone presented the Wire Transfer Policy to the Board (Attachment 4). This policy was prompted by the recent wire activity associated with the WIFIA loan. The policy ensures both the appointed Accountant and elected Treasurer work together on wire transfers. The policy was reviewed by Plante Moran, DUWA’s Accountant, and the Legal and Financial Committees. The Legal Committee recommended this policy for approval. No comments were received from the Finance Committee.
Motion by Roberto Scappaticci (Romulus) and supported by Rick Rutherford (Belleville) to adopt the Wire Transfer Policy as presented. The motion passed unanimously with all attending members.
c. Adoption of Wastewater Exemption Program
Attorney Fausone presented the Wastewater Exemption Program for Non-Domestic Users to the Board (Attachment 5). This policy has been discussed at length with DUWA’s Committees and the Board. The policy generally mimics Wayne County’s previous policy that fell in disrepair. Municipalities are not required to give exemptions, but if they do, the requirements of this policy must be met. Exemptions will not be granted for irrigation uses. Industrial users who had previously received exemptions under Wayne County’s policy will not be grandfathered into this new policy. Veolia will conduct the initial and annual facility inspections of industrial users seeking exemptions. The exemptions are valid for one year and must be renewed annually. There is a $1200 fee for the initial exemption and a $300 fee for each annual renewal. The Technical and Legal Committees reviewed the policy and the Technical Committee recommended it for approval.
Craig Lyon (Taylor) asked if vegetation irrigation refers to residential irrigation or large commercial landscaped areas. Attorney Fausone responded that no exemptions will be granted for any type of irrigation, including commercial landscapes and sod farms, even if the user can demonstrate that water is not going into the sewer system directly. Rick Rutherford (Belleville) asked if this program is in effect as of 2021. Attorney Fausone responded that this program begins in 2021 so users can apply immediately for an exemption. Doug Drysdale (Riverview) asked whether DUWA or the municipalities should inform the industrial users of the exemption policy. Attorney Fausone responded that this has not yet been discussed. Craig Lyon (Taylor) asked if current industrial users with exemptions need to reapply or if they can be grandfathered in. Attorney Fausone responded that all industrial users must reapply for an exemption as any previous Wayne County exemptions have now expired. System Manager Tercala stated that she will provide the Board with a list of assumed industrial users that may have received exemptions through Wayne County.
Motion by Roberto Scappaticci (Romulus) and supported by Doug Drysdale (Riverview) to adopt the Wastewater Exemption Program as presented. The motion passed unanimously with all attending members.
5. System Manager Update
System Manager Vyto Kaunelis, of OHM Advisors, provided a verbal summary of activities since the last meeting. A written summary was provided in the pre-meeting Board packet for the System Manager Report (Attachment 6).
a. System Manager Monthly Report
System Manager Kaunelis noted the following highlights from the System Manager Report:
• The NPDES permit is up for renewal. Issuance of a revised permit may be delayed by one year by EGLE. The DWTF will continue to operate under the existing permit until issuance of a new permit.
• The June 25-26, 2021 storm caused the first blending event of the year. The heaviest rains were located north of the DUWA communities and widespread flooding was not reported in the DUWA communities.
• Wayne County is working with Veolia to develop a contract for operation of the SWRDD facilities. With the interrelated operation of DUWA and SWRDDD, a single operator would be beneficial to ensure operations are well coordinated at all times. A contract is expected to be drafted by August.
• The biosolids construction project is proceeding as expected and remains on schedule. Equipment installations are proceeding well.
b. Biosolids Dryer Facility Project
The biosolids dryer facility monthly progress report is provided in the pre-meeting Board package (Attachment 7). Construction is progressing well and the project remains on schedule. Dryer equipment components continue to be delivered to the site weekly. The spare bowl assembly has been delivered for the existing centrifuges.
6. Other Requests for Authorizations and Approvals
System Manager Tercala provided the following requests to the Board.
a. Tunnel Pump No. 4 Rebuild by Veolia
Routine repair of IPS and Tunnel pumps is required to ensure proper operation and to extend asset life. Repair of one pump per year has been budgeted for in DUWA’s rate year package. Tunnel Pump No. 4 is due for inspection and repair. Kennedy Industries, the local pump representative, would act as a subcontractor to Veolia for this repair. The Technical Committee recommended a 10% contingency should additional repairs be needed upon inspection. The total cost for this project would be $70,180 inclusive of the 10% contingency and Veolia’s 10% markup (Attachment 8). DUWA’s Small Capital Budget includes $64k for pump repair. Additional project costs would be covered under DUWA’s “Other Critical Repairs” budget line item. This project is WIFIA eligible.
Attorney Kerry Morgan asked if the 10% Veolia markup and 10% contingency are different items. System Manager Tercala responded that the 10% markup is standard per Veolia’s contract for projects above a threshold dollar amount, and the 10% contingency is for any additional unanticipated repairs.
Motion by Greg Mayhew (Wyandotte) and supported by Dustin Lent (Southgate) to authorize Veolia for a not-to-exceed fee of $70,180 in association with repair of Tunnel Pump No 4. The motion passed unanimously with all attending members.
b. HRC CACE Support of Control Measure ‘A’ Implementation
DUWA has authorized Veolia to implement Control Measure A: Increase Hydraulic Loading to the Secondary System. Control Measure A would lower the wet weather flow blending by increasing flow to the secondary system by 10%, or from 125 MGD to 137.5 MGD. As HRC assisted with the design effort of Control Measure A, it would make sense for HRC to also provide construction support and observation. Veolia proposed to implement Control Measure A for a cost of $118,152.05, which is considerably less than HRC’s opinion of probable cost of $172,550. This project is WIFIA eligible and was budgeted at a cost of $176k within the loan. The Technical Committee reviewed and recommended HRC’s proposal (Attachment 9).
Motion by Jim Taylor (Van Buren Township) and supported by Roberto Scappaticci (Romulus) to authorize HRC for a not-to-exceed fee of $9,910 in association with construction observation services for the Control Measure A project. The motion passed unanimously with all attending members.
c. Fordline Interceptor Rehabilitation by Doetsch Environmental
DUWA inspects 5% of the interceptor system on an annual basis. CCTV inspection of the 60-inch brick Fordline sewer interceptor discovered two areas with infiltration runners that require near-term rehabilitation. The area needing rehabilitation is located near the Goddard Road and I-75 overpass and railroad, where the interceptor is 32 feet deep. HRC prepared a bid package for the rehabilitation work, which would be performed in-situ as this method is the easiest and most cost effective. The scope of work involved applying chemical grout to the areas of infiltration. The bids received from Doetsch Environmental and Inland Waters had higher project costs than what were estimated by HRC ($55k) due to the need for more grout. Doetsch Environmental was the low bidder at $106,240 and was recommended by HRC (Attachment 10). HRC has had previous experience working with Doetsch Environmental, and a list of references is provided on Basecamp. This project is not WIFIA eligible and will be financed from the “Other Critical Repairs” line item in the Small Capital Budget. The Technical Committee reviewed and recommended proceeding with HRC’s recommendation of Doetsch Environmental for the work. The motion was amended to include language allowing for the execution and development of a contract acceptable to the General Counsel.
Roberto Scappaticci (Romulus) asked if Doetsch has experience performing this work on interceptors of this size. System Manager Tercala responded that Doetsch provided a list of references that was posted to Basecamp. Attorney Kerry Morgan asked whether there are any warranties on the product. Attorney Fausone responded that the manufacturer does not have a warranty on the grout product, so it is anticipated that Doetsch will warranty their work and specifications. Their contract has not been negotiated yet. Chairperson McLeod (Allen Park) asked if this work would interfere with the ongoing Wayne County work in that area. System Manager Tercala responded that the work will be performed within the Wayne County right-of-way permit, and there will be coordination with Wayne County as the project progresses.
Motion by Doug Drysdale (Riverview) and supported by Craig Lyon (Taylor) to authorize Doetsch Environmental for a not-to-exceed cost of $106,240 from the Small Capital Budget for repair of the Fordline Interceptor and to have the System Manager execute a contract with terms and conditions acceptable to General Counsel. The motion passed unanimously with all attending members.
d. Hennessey Engineering Proposal for Easement Survey at DWTF Outfall
In reviewing Wyandotte’s records for the preparation of the NPDES permit renewal application, it was identified that easement documents do not appear to exist for DUWA’s Outfall 001. The outfall pipe is assumed to traverse the parcel of land owned by Arkema, Inc. Fausone Bohn is working with Arkema for development of an easement, but they have been slow to respond thus far. A boundary survey is necessary to prepare easement documents. Fausone Bohn reached out to Hennessey Engineering for the boundary survey work as they previously assisted DUWA with survey work during the system transition. Hennessey prepared a proposal for this work at a cost of $5,850, which would be financed from DUWA’s Engineering Services budget (Attachment 11). The Technical Committee reviewed and recommended Hennessey’s proposal for approval. The contract will not be authorized until additional information is received from Arkema.
Attorney Kerry Morgan asked what the survey will be for. Attorney Fausone responded that the survey will determine the route of the pipe outfall as there is no legal documentation of its route. Arkema stated that they will look in their records for legal documentation and will let Fausone Bohn know if they find anything.
Motion by Craig Lyon (Taylor) and supported by Roberto Scappaticci (Romulus) to authorize Hennessey Engineering for a not-to-exceed fee of $5,850 for a boundary survey to support development of the easement for Outfall 001. The motion passed unanimously with all attending members.
e. ASI Support of Flow Metering Options for Alternate Rate Method
As part of the evaluation of alternative rate methodology efforts, DUWA’s community members have expressed a desire to meter sanitary flows where practical. ASI has supported the technical development of alternative flow metering options, which have been presented to Raftelis as well as DUWA’s Technical Committee. ASI presented three flow metering alternatives which have been posted to Basecamp. ASI prepared a proposal for a fee of $13,500 for continued support with additional tasks associated with the rate methodology process (Attachment 12). This work is above and beyond ASI’s as-needed contract with Veolia, and will be financed from DUWA’s Engineering Services budget.
Attorney Kerry Morgan asked if there is an existing contract with ASI. System Manager Tercala responded that there is a current as-needed contract with ASI, which automatically renews until their services are determined to no longer be needed.
Motion by Craig Lyon (Taylor) and supported by Dustin Lent (Southgate) to authorize ASI for continued involvement with support of flow metering efforts for a not-to-exceed fee of $13,500. The motion passed unanimously with all attending members.
f. Migration of DUWA’s Website to New GoDaddy Account
DUWA’s website is currently maintained via a WordPress platform and through a GoDaddy account. The current GoDaddy account is maintained by BTG (DUWA’s website support expert) though a shared account with other websites. To better maintain website administrative costs, it is best for DUWA to establish its own GoDaddy account to allow OHM or other DUWA support entities to resolve website issues directly with GoDaddy. A 24 month hosting agreement with GoDaddy is requested, which includes 24 months for the Ultimate Managed WordPress Option for $335.76 and 24 months for the Advanced Website Security Option for $359.76 (Attachment 13). The total cost for the 24 month period is $695.52, but the request to DUWA is for $800 to account for taxes and other fees that may apply. This cost will be financed from DUWA’s Printing and Publishing budget.
Jim Taylor (Van Buren Township) asked if this cost would include any updates to the website for additional features. System Manager Tercala responded that this cost is just for functionality, and no features will be added. System Manager Tercala also noted that the website was updated within the last year.
Motion by Jim Taylor (Van Buren Township) and supported by Dustin Lent (Southgate) to permit the System Manager to authorize GoDaddy for the requested 24 month web support options at a total cost of up to $800. The motion passed unanimously with all attending members.
7. Contract Operator Update
Kelly Irving, Veolia’s Program Manager, provided the Contract Operator update.
a. May 2021 MOR
The May 2021 Monthly Operating Report (MOR) was provided in the Board’s pre-meeting packet (Attachment 14). Highlights from the summary and other updates included the following:
• Plant operations were in compliance for the month of May, and no bypasses occurred.
• The June 25-26 storm event resulted in the first bypass/blending event of the year, but all operations went smoothly.
• 10 to 12 operators took their wastewater state certification exams. Study sessions were held with Travis.
• No glycol was received in May, and only a small amount was received in June following a rain event.
• Veolia is working closely with the contractors on safety throughout the biosolids construction project. A lot of preemptive work was performed prior to relocating centrifuge #2. Spare parts have also been salvaged from the conveyers.
• Maintenance staff assembled the add-on cooling system for the centrifuge.
• The stock room was painted.
• Electricians are finishing installing the pumps, rails, and brackets.
• Key Performance Indicators are tracking well.
• Manhole inspections are now being completed with a new unit that runs on fiber optics. This unit can scan the manhole in high definition and provide a 360-degree view of the manhole.
• PFAS concentrations are remaining slightly below the water quality standard of 11 ppt.
• An IPP inspection will be conducted in August.
• Chemical and electrical usages are lower than they were last year.
• Ferric usage is higher than last year, especially with the low glycol levels.
• Water consumption has decreased.
• The industrial water line has been repaired and the ground has been restored. A path will be installed in this area along with a new outdoor seating area.
8. Treasurer’s Report
a. Pending Invoices
Jason Couture presented the invoice register for a request for payment. The invoice register was provided in the pre-meeting packet (Attachment 15). The invoice register included 27 invoices due for a total of $3,270,790.70. Largest invoices included those to Walsh for the biosolids dryer facility project, Veolia for O&M services and unit cost reconciliation, Alfa Laval for the centrifuge spare bowl assembly, and Wyandotte for utility services.
Motion by Rick Rutherford (Belleville) and supported by James Krizan (Lincoln Park) to pay the invoice register. The motion passed unanimously with all attending members.
9. Public Comment
There was no public comment.
10. Other Business
There were no items brought forth for consideration as “Other Business” items.
11. Next Board Meeting Date: Thursday, August 12, 2021 (9:00 AM; Hybrid)
Chairperson McLeod (Allen Park) reminded the Board that the next meeting would take place on Thursday, August 12, 2021 at 9:00 AM in a hybrid format (virtually via Zoom or in-person at Taylor City Hall). Craig Lyon (Taylor) suggested that the next Board meeting be held at the City of Taylor’s new media center located next door to City Hall in front of the police station. The media center is equipped with better technology services that may be better suited for the hybrid Board meeting format. Craig Lyon (Taylor) will confirm that the media center conference room has the capacity to hold the anticipated number of attendees at the next Board meeting. The other Board Commissioners supported this recommendation.
12. Adjournment
There being no other business, Chairperson McLeod (Allen Park) announced that a motion to adjourn would be in order. Motion by Dustin Lent (Southgate) and supported by Doug Drysdale (Riverview) to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed unanimously at 10:03 AM.
Meeting Minutes Prepared by:
Mackenzie Johnson, OHM Advisors, Engineer
Meeting Minutes Reviewed by:
Lambrina Tercala, OHM Advisors, DUWA System Manager
1. Meeting Agenda
2. June 10, 2021 DUWA Board Meeting Minutes
3. Monthly Legal Update (by Fausone Bohn)
4. Adoption of Wire Transfer Policy
5. Adoption of Wastewater Exemption Program for Non-Domestic Users
6. System Manager Report for July 2021 Board Meeting (by OHM Advisors)
7. Biosolids Dryer Facility Project June 2021 Monthly Progress Summary (by Veolia)
8. Request to Repair Tunnel Pump No. 4
9. Request to Authorize HRC for Support of CM ‘A’ Implementation
10. Request to Authorize Fordline Interceptor Rehabilitation to Doetsch Environmental
11. Request to Authorize Hennessey Engineering for Easement Survey at DWTF Outfall
12. Request to Authorize ASI for Ongoing Development of Flow Metering Options for Alternate Rate Method (‘Metering Network Modifications’)
13. Request to Migrate DUWA’s Website to New GoDaddy Account
14. Monthly Operating Report for May 2021 (by Veolia)
15. Invoice Register, dated July 1, 2021 (by Doug Drysdale)