1. Roll Call and Introductions

DUWA Chair Gail McLeod (Allen Park) called the virtual meeting to order at 9:01 AM and asked for roll call to be taken. At the time of roll call, voting representatives were in attendance from 11 communities: Allen Park, Belleville, Brownstown Township, Dearborn Heights, Ecorse, Lincoln Park, Riverview, Romulus, Taylor, Van Buren Township, and Wyandotte. A quorum (at least 7 members) was present.

  1. Approval of Agenda

Copies of the Agenda were made available prior to the meeting (Attachment 1). Motion by Doug Drysdale (Riverview) and supported by James Krizan (Lincoln Park) to approve the Agenda.

Due to the meeting being held virtually, a roll call vote was completed for Board actions. A roll call vote was taken to approve the agenda. The motion passed unanimously by all attending members.

  1. Approval of Minutes from April 8, 2021 Board Meeting

Copies of the meeting minutes from the April 8, 2021 Board Meeting were distributed by email prior to the meeting (Attachment 2). Motion by Roberto Scappaticci (Romulus) and supported by Rick Rutherford (Belleville) to approve the minutes. A roll call vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously by all attending members.

  1. Legal Update

Attorney Paul Bohn, of Fausone Bohn, provided the Legal Update.

a. General Counsel Monthly Report

Attorney Bohn stated that a written summary of the monthly legal update was provided in the pre-meeting Board packet (Attachment 3), and he had no further comments to add. He noted that it was a pretty standard month in terms of work activities. Fausone Bohn has been assisting with the rate making process that Raftelis is engaged in. Attorney Bohn asked the Board Commissioners to let him know if they have any questions on Fausone Bohn’s work in progress, and he will work with Attorney Jim Fausone to get an answer.

  1. System Manager Update

System Manager Vyto Kaunelis, of OHM Advisors, provided a verbal summary of activities since the last meeting. A written summary was provided in the pre-meeting Board packet for the System Manager Report (Attachment 4).

a. System Manager Monthly Report

System Manager Kaunelis noted the following highlights from the System Manager Report:

  • The Vulnerability Assessment is complete. During the May 2019 rain event, bottlenecks occurred at the DWTF within the UV system, but there was no issue in meeting the NPDES permit limits. No further action is required at this time.
  • The SCADA implementation project is moving forward slowly as final details are being addressed. Wayne County and Tetra Tech are determining how the Southgate-Wyandotte SCADA data will be brought into this new SCADA system.
  • Two reimbursement requests totaling about $7M have been submitted to the EPA as part of the WIFIA loan. Disbursements have not yet been received. The third reimbursement request will be submitted this week.
  • The EPA is working with the liable parties related to PCB sediment impacts in the Trenton Channel. The liable parties are considering sending their pre-treated discharge to the DWTF. Potential discharge locations as well as details on piping to the plant are being explored and analyzed. This additional discharge could provide a source of revenue to DUWA.
  • The As-Needed Engineering Services contract with HRC will expire in September. There will be a selection process to identify three firms that would be available to DUWA for as-needed engineering services. As-needed tasks would be assigned to one of the three firms based on expertise, level of effort involved, and availability at that time. For larger projects, price estimates could be obtained from more than one firm to ensure pricing is appropriate. The RFQ is currently being developed, and the System Manager is seeking volunteers to help review proposals, conduct interviews, and select the three firms later this year. Volunteers from the Technical Committee will also be requested. The RFQ will be posted on May 24th

Chairperson McLeod (Allen Park) asked if there are any statutes of limitations on the Wayne County invoices that DUWA receives and how long DUWA is liable for these invoices (Agenda Item 6g). System Manager Lambrina Tercala, of OHM Advisors, responded that Fausone Bohn reviewed the carryover invoice issue. The Definitive Transfer Agreement requires costs associated with the system be paid by the system, which is now under DUWA ownership. Attorney Kerry Morgan (Riverview) asked for a legal opinion be generated by Fausone Bohn.

b. Biosolids Dryer Facility Project

The biosolids dryer facility monthly progress report is provided in the pre-meeting Board package (Attachment 5). Construction is progressing well. The dryer parts will be arriving onsite over the next couple months, and the dryers will be installed once all of the parts have been received.

c. Alkali Sewer Project

Bill Davis, HRC Project Manager, provided an update to the Board on the status of the Alkali Sewer project. The project is located in a residential neighborhood in a tight spot making the maneuvering of large equipment difficult. In December 2020, the top of the 72-inch sewer was opened to allow for the installation of a flume and gate structure. The gate chamber was used during rehabilitation as a watertight seal and safety measure. In January 2021, the flow bypass system was set up to pump the flow to the Southgate-Wyandotte system and the sewer was cleaned. The rehabilitation work began in February, but the cold weather and snow impacted the flow rates and project schedule. It was determined that the IPS wet well level impacts the flow at the Alkali Sewer, so the wet well level had to be lowered in order to be able to assess the condition of the sewer. The condition assessment showed that the top half of the sewer had brickwork missing or chipping off. Grouting and mechanical chipping was performed to prepare the sewer for rehabilitation. Less grouting was needed than anticipated suggesting that the sewer structure is still in good condition; however more mechanical chipping was needed than anticipated in order to allow for a uniform surface for lining. A 1.5-inch geopolymer liner was then applied to the sewer wall.

Substantial completion of the project was reached in early April and the bypass system has been demobilized. The remaining work includes restoration, pavement and sidewalk replacement, and site cleanup. The project required the use of large equipment which caused pavement cracks and breaks within the construction area. Inland Waters is solely responsible for repairing the damaged sidewalk. DUWA and Inland Waters negotiated to split the costs to replace the concrete paving. As part of the negotiation, Wyandotte assessed the extent of the damage and recognizing the financial impact to both parties, reduced the pavement cross section needing to be repaired. This saved approximately $15k in pavement repair costs.

Roberto Scappaticci (Romulus) asked what amount of pavement was damaged. Bill Davis responded that there was about $94k worth of damage. The need for additional pavement replacement was identified shortly after starting the project. Final reconciliation of quantities occurred at end of project once all impacts were known. Attorney Kerry Morgan (Riverview) stated that if pavement replacement was expected to be needed, it should have been included in the contract. Bill Davis responded that there is language in the contract stating that the contractor is responsible for protecting the pavement during construction, but the expectation to protect every inch of pavement was not practical and would have increased the project cost due to DUWA (compared to replacement paving cost) for items such as temporary steel platting. Additionally, the pavement was not in compromised condition at project onset. Roberto Scappaticci (Romulus) added that putting the pavement replacement risk on the contractor would have resulted in higher unit prices, thus it is better to add this quantity at the end of the project. Chairperson McLeod (Allen Park) agreed and added that it is difficult to cover every variable in a contract and $42k is cheap (DUWA’s negotiated share) compared to the overall cost of the project.

Jim Taylor (Van Buren Township) concurred with these comments and asked when the pavement repairs will be completed. Bill Davis responded that the current final completion date is June 6, 2021, but a change order (CO No 4 in Board package) will be requested to extend the final completion date by 30 days in order to avoid liquidated damages. He anticipates the pavement repairs to be completed by the end of May, which will be well short of the requested final completion date.

Jim Taylor (Van Buren Township) stated that this project was extremely disruptive to the local neighborhood, and asked whether a public relations effort should be considered by DUWA for future projects. For example, a courtesy thank you letter could be sent to residents from DUWA. Jim Taylor (Van Buren Township) also asked whether the City of Wyandotte should bear some of the restoration costs since they will be getting a benefit of new pavement with a longer life expectancy. System Manager Tercala responded that OHM can work with DUWA to develop public relations materials. She also added that the City of Wyandotte reduced the overall cost by accepting a reduced pavement profile for the replacement work.

Greg Mayhew (Wyandotte) noted that there was good communication with the residents from the beginning of the project, very few complaints were received throughout the project, the project remained on schedule, and while there were concerns about noise and odor issues, no complaints were received. The overall project was a success besides some pavement damage.

  1. Other Requests for Authorizations and Approvals

System Manager Tercala provided the following requests to the Board.

a. Alkali Sewer Rehab – Inland Water CO#4

Bill Davis, HRC Project Manager, outlined the five items included in Inland Waters’ Change Order #4 request as it pertains to the Alkali Sewer project. This change order is for a final reconciliation of costs and quantities (Attachment 6).

  • The first item involves the disposal of sewer cleaning debris at the DWTF. Inland Waters was allowed to dispose of debris at the DWTF instead of a Type 2 landfill. There is a $8,550 cost decrease for this item as the disposal quantity was less than anticipated.
  • The second item is a quantity reconciliation for grouting and mechanical chipping. Less grouting was needed than anticipated, but more mechanical chipping was needed for a net decrease of $9,600.
  • The third item includes a $5,422.25 cost increase for the use of sandbags for a few days when the IPS wet well level was high causing higher water levels at the Alkali sewer.
  • The fourth item is the $42,642.50 cost split to DUWA for repair of the damaged pavement beyond initial estimated quantities. Replacement of the damaged sidewalks will be at the expense of the Contractor. This item also includes an extension of the final completion date by 30 days.
  • The fifth item is a reconciliation of the changes to the quantities and unit rates associated with pavement repairs for a net reduction of $2,310.

This change order involves a net cost increase of $27,604.75 and an extension of the final completion date by 30 days. The cost for this change order is covered by the remaining amount of DUWA’s 10% contingency, of which 4.8% has now been used, and is within the overall project budget. This work is WIFIA eligible for loan reimbursement. There will be one more change order to reconcile the Wayne County permit to discharge to the Southgate-Wyandotte system, which included a bond to complete the work. Approximately $5k-$7k is expected to be credited to DUWA for this future change order. The Technical Committee did not have a chance to review this change order request before the Board meeting due to the timing of the receipt of the change order.

Attorney Kerry Morgan (Riverview) asked if the contractor took precautions to protect the pavement. Bill Davis responded that precautions were taken, however, the contractor did not use steel plates or crane mats as delivery vehicles could not realistically drive on the mats to access the site and there was no cost effective way to protect all of the pavement and still receive competitive bids. Attorney Kerry Morgan stated that these are good reasons as to why the pavement quantity was not included in the bid, but they were foreseeable and there is a legal duty to the contractor to protect the pavement. He stated that future contracts should better define who has liability.

Roberto Scappaticci (Romulus) suggested that there be a cost threshold for negotiating contracts through the Legal Committee. DUWA relies on consultants to negotiate public funds on projects, and there should be a dollar amount or percent contingency threshold above which the Legal Committee must also review and negotiate.

Craig Lyon (Taylor) suggested that in the future, the scope of the pavement replacement should be included in the bid to avoid this discussion at the end of the project. Roberto Scappaticci (Romulus) asked if there are pre-construction videos of the area. System Manager Tercala responded that there are pre-construction photos and videos of the area. Roberto Scappaticci (Romulus) suggested that for future projects, the pre-construction and post-construction videos of the designated truck routes should be compared to determine the extent of damage.

Motion by Greg Mayhew (Wyandotte) and supported by Dave Flaten (Ecorse) to authorize the Chair or Vice Chair to sign Inland Waters’ CO#4 for a net project cost increase of $27,604.75 and a contract extension of 30 days for final completion. A roll call vote was taken, and the motion passed with 84.7% of the vote. Motion passed unanimously with all attending members.

b. MITN Membership

DUWA has been interested in joining MITN to post RFPs and RFQs that will reach a broader audience. DUWA has been unable to join MITN because they only do business directly with government employees rather than outside consultants. Roberto Scappaticci (Romulus), as DUWA’s Secretary, engaged Romulus in the onboarding process, and DUWA is now invited to join MITN (Attachment 7). Maintenance of the account will be coordinated with OHM Advisors as DUWA’s System Manager. Through MITN, there is the ability to review and share RFP language with other government agencies and there is an option to hold auctions for obsolete equipment in addition to a wider selection of vendors for RFPs and RFQs. There is no membership cost to post solicitations, but there is a 5% commission cost for any surplus auctions that DUWA wishes to hold in the future.

Motion by Dave Flaten (Ecorse) and supported by John Selmi (Dearborn Heights) to allow the Chair or Vice Chair to execute MITN/BidNet’s ‘Agreement for Services’ and other documents, if necessary, to become a non-voting (Associate Member) Participating Organization. A roll call vote was taken, and the motion passed with 84.7% of the vote. Motion passed unanimously with all attending members.

c. HRC Vulnerability Assessment Contract Extension

In January 2021, HRC worked with ASI to complete the Vulnerability Assessment required by EGLE to identify potential impacts to a NPDES permitee’s ability to meet permit requirements and other applicable regulations due to high water levels. HRC and ASI completed the work, but the effort to complete the task was beyond the original estimate. Additional effort was required to review old memos and calculations and update the existing model with losses through the UV bypass. The original quote was for $7k, and HRC is requesting a budget amendment of $4,216.56 for this additional work (Attachment 8). The Technical Committee reviewed the amendment request and recommended it for approval.

Motion by Jim Taylor (Van Buren Township) and supported by Rick Rutherford (Belleville) to amend the budget authorized to HRC for their Vulnerability Assessment to a revised not-to-exceed cost of $11,216.56. A roll call vote was taken, and the motion passed with 84.7% of the vote. Motion passed unanimously with all attending members.

d. CACE Services to ATI for 2021 Critical Roof Repair Project

Intertek, now ATI, was awarded the Roofing Design Services RFP in June 2020. The scope of services included design and bid assistance for repair and/or replacement of select, critical roofs, but did not include CA/CE because the scope of work was unknown at the time. The request for Change Order #3 is for the CA/CE efforts now that the extent of roofing repairs is known (Attachment 9).

VJM will be performing the repair work as the contractor. Change Order #3 is for a not-to-exceed value of $33,445, which is 8% of VJM’s construction fee. The fee includes 22 full days of effort for project management and construction oversight. The total project cost is anticipated to be $449,000 (including both VJM and Intertek), which is equal to the WIFIA allocated budget. The Technical Committee reviewed this change order and recommended it for approval.

Motion by Roberto Scappaticci (Romulus) and supported by Bill Turner (Brownstown) to approve Intertek’s CO#3 for a not-to-exceed fee of $33,445 in association for CA/CE efforts for the 2021 roof repair. A roll call vote was taken, and the motion passed with 84.7% of the vote. Motion passed unanimously with all attending members.

e. Storage Area Network Extended Warranty for SCADA

The COVID pandemic caused travel restrictions for Eramosa (located in Canada) that have extended the project duration for DUWA’s SCADA split from the existing Wayne County system. Eramosa, DUWA’s SCADA integrator, advised DUWA that the existing warranty for the new system’s Storage Area Network (SAN) expired in February 2021. The SAN is a virtual hard drive that is a critical component to the SCADA system. It has built-in redundancy due to its criticality, but Eramosa advises DUWA to maintain the warranty should issues arise. The warranty is split between hardware and software support (Attachment 10). A 1-year warranty costs $2,983.60, and there is little cost savings on an extended warranty beyond a 1-year period. The warranty was not budgeted for, but can be paid for from the project’s 15% contingency. This project is not WIFIA eligible and will be paid for from DUWA’s capital budget. The Technical Committee reviewed the warranty request and recommended it for approval.

Motion by Jim Taylor (Van Buren Township) and supported by Greg Mayhew (Wyandotte) to authorize Eramosa to initiate a 1-year warranty for the Storage Area Network for a cost of $2,983.60. A roll call vote was taken, and the motion passed with 84.7% of the vote. Motion passed unanimously with all attending members.

f. PFAS/PFOS Sample Costs

Veolia completed PFAS/PFOA sampling at the DWTF and throughout the collection system as required by EGLE. Veolia is now requesting reimbursement for the incurred expenses of the sampling and analysis efforts between July 2020 and February 2021 (Attachment 11). Periodic sampling is expected in the future as well. PFAS sample costs are not currently included in Veolia’s O&M contract, but DUWA will consider reconciling the future sample cost need when the contract is opened next. The PFAS sampling costs include the effort for the required monthly sampling at the DWTF, local limit sampling, and IPP samples. These costs are passthrough costs without Veolia markup. The total costs will be expensed by DUWA, but DUWA will be credited by each industrial user upon their repayment. Veolia is still in the process of determining which laboratory to use for sample analysis and with which method to analyze samples. Veolia has been using multiple laboratories for sample analysis to compare results and pricing.

Motion by John Selmi (Dearborn Heights) and supported by Doug Drysdale (Riverview) to authorize payment to Veolia for $29,658.50 in PFAS sampling costs. This is a passthrough cost without markup. A roll call vote was taken, and the motion passed with 84.7% of the vote. Motion passed unanimously with all attending members.

g. Carryover Invoice from MiCAT for Previous Services Rendered

DUWA received a carryover invoice from when Wayne County owned the system. The invoice is from Michigan CAT for $2,179.15 for services rendered in association with the DWTF’s emergency generators (Attachment 12). These services were rendered two months before the system was transferred to DUWA. DUWA’s Legal Team assessed if DUWA is obligated to pay this outstanding fee, but the transfer documents are clear that the expense would fall under DUWA’s “assumed liabilities” as opposed to “excluded liabilities”. DUWA does not have the contract nor task order between Michigan CAT and Wayne County to assess if there are terms associated with timely billing.

Motion by Roberto Scappaticci (Romulus) and supported by Rick Rutherford (Belleville) to approve payment to Michigan CAT for the $2,179.15 fee associated with Invoice #SD10329782 for previous services rendered. A roll call vote was taken, and the motion passed with 84.7% of the vote. Motion passed unanimously with all attending members.

Jim Taylor (Van Buren Township) asked whether DUWA is tracking costs incurred due to deferred maintenance from Wayne County. System Manager Tercala responded that there is no formal tracking currently, but some of the more costly items can be easily compiled and passed on to those interested in seeing the carryover costs.

  1. Contract Operator Update

Kelly Irving, Veolia’s Program Manager, provided the Contract Operator update.

a. March 2021 MOR

The March 2021 Monthly Operating Report (MOR) was provided in the Board’s pre-meeting packet (Attachment 13). Highlights from the summary and other updates included the following:

  • Plant operations were in compliance for the month of March (and April), and no bypasses occurred.
  • There was one rain event that resulted in 108 MG being treated, but no bypassing was necessary.
  • There have been 0 bypasses year to date.
  • Flows have been relatively low and the weather has been dry. Some processes have to be taken offline due to low flows.
  • Glycol loading still coming from the airport, but it is tapering off.
  • Additional overhead piping replacements were completed as a result of the industrial water line leak.
  • The dewatering pump No 5 was rebuilt in house.
  • Many maintenance activities have been completed.
  • The number of locates have increased now that pandemic restrictions are beginning to be lifted.
  • PFAS levels are hovering around the Water Quality Standard of 11 ppt set by EGLE.
  • Many safety activities are ongoing at the plant.
  • Electrical consumption has decreased in 2021 compared to 2020, partly due to the dryer weather and fewer processes needing to be online.
  • Oxygen consumption has decreased in 2021 compared to 2020.
  • Ferric consumption has increased due to lower glycol loading.
  • Water consumption has decreased by about 20% overall, but increased in March due to the industrial water line break.
  • Natural gas usage, polymer usage, and sludge production have been down.
  • The gripper project is mostly done, but the hydraulics still need to be completed.
  • The relocated influent sample line has been plumbed in. Pumps still need to be mounted outside and the laser flow meter needs be installed.
  • The Ayyeka rain gages and level sensors and ADS flow meters have been installed. Veolia is currently working through some programming challenges.
  • A new warehouse clerk laborer will be starting next week, and one position still remains to be filled.

b. Influent Pump Station, Pump No. 5 Soft Start Purchase

Jason Tapp, of Veolia, discussed the IPS Pump No 5 issues. Electricians have been troubleshooting the pump drive failure as only a portion of the variable frequency drive (VFD) was working. The VFD was in failure mode, but the soft start was in operation. Veolia was determining whether to replace the VFD or just use the soft start, but the soft start operation puts the pump up to full speed each time it turns on. Replacement of the VFD would cost between $150k-$200k, so it was decided that it will not be replaced. Veolia worked through pricing with Rockwell, the manufacturer. Rockwell’s original quote was $35k. Veolia was able to negotiate it down to a cost of $19k. A new soft starter was installed in place of the VFD.

Hydrogen sulfide may be the cause of the problems with the drives. Veolia is planning on revising the venting system to minimize future H2S impacts. This issue will be brought forth to the Technical Committee for further discussion.

  1. Treasurer’s Report

a. Authorization of FY2021 Rate Package (July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022)

The FY2021 rate package has been finalized (Attachment 14). It was reviewed by the Finance Committee, but was then changed after recalculating the sludge disposal costs considering when the dryers come online, and accounting for the anticipated biosolids and fuel surcharges. The proposed sewer disposal rate is $8.65 and the debt retirement rate is $1.76 for a total all inclusive rate of $10.41, which is a 3.46% increase from last year. The rate accounts for the WIFIA loan as well, including the $239k paid in interest. There will be a single audit next spring for $12k.

Jim Taylor (Van Buren Township) appreciated the effort in keeping the rate increase within the 4% maximum goal. He appreciated the effort by all involved including the contributions by Veolia and OHM to keep costs low.

Motion by Roberto Scappaticci (Romulus) and supported by Jim Taylor (Van Buren Township) to authorize the FY2021 rate package. A roll call vote was taken, and the motion passed with 84.7% of the vote. Motion passed unanimously with all attending members.

b. Quarterly Financial Statement – CY2021 Q1

Doug Drysdale (DUWA’s Accountant) presented the Quarterly Financial Statement for CY2021 Q1 (Attachment 15). The balance sheet shows that DUWA’s cash is down due to the ongoing WIFIA projects for which the $7M in fees have not yet been reimbursed. Accounts receivable is at about $5M for debt payments from communities. Fixed assets are mostly unchanged from the beginning of the year. Insurance policies were paid in January 2021. Outstanding payments include the SRF bond payments and senior liens which were paid at the end of March, but are not reflected on this quarterly statement. Operating revenues are at 22% of the budget, which is behind the expected 25% as some payments are not being received in a timely matter. Debt services are included in the revenues. Other services such as administration expenses are at 17.5% of what was budgeted. Plant operations are at 23% of what was budgeted. The capital outlay is at $2.9M in Q1. The overall net value of revenues and expenditures is $1.6M due to debt payments and capital outlay.

c. Pending Invoices

Doug Drysdale (DUWA’s Accountant, DNS Financial Services) presented the invoice register for a request for payment. The invoice register was provided in the pre-meeting packet (Attachment 16). The invoice register included 39 invoices due for a total of $3,330,907.96. Largest invoices included those to US Bank for the principal payment on the senior lien bond, Veolia for O&M services, unit cost reconciliation, repairs, and PFAS testing, Walsh for the biosolids dryer facility project, and Wyandotte for utility services.

Motion by Roberto Scappaticci (Romulus) and supported by Rick Rutherford (Belleville) to pay the invoice register. A roll call vote was taken, and the motion passed with 84.7% of the vote. Motion passed unanimously with all attending members.

  1. Public Comment

System Manager Tercala reminded the Board that Raftelis is requesting GIS data from the member communities if available. She stated that any data the communities can provide would be helpful.

System Manager Tercala also asked if there was any desire to change the process for requests for approvals. The System Manager could authorize certain items, but chooses to wait for Board approval when possible. She asked the Board commissioners to let OHM know if the Board wants to change the process in the future, otherwise status quo will be maintained.

  1. Other Business

There were no items brought forth for consideration as “Other Business” items.

  1. Next Board Meeting Date: Thursday, June 10, 2021 (9:00 AM; Virtual)

Chairperson McLeod (Allen Park) reminded the Board that the next meeting would take place on Thursday, June 10, 2021 at 9:00 AM virtually via Zoom.

  1. Adjournment

There being no other business, Chairperson McLeod (Allen Park) announced that a motion to adjourn would be in order. Motion by Rick Rutherford (Belleville) and supported by John Selmi (Dearborn Heights) to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed unanimously at 10:57 AM.

Meeting Minutes Prepared by:

Mackenzie Johnson, OHM Advisors, Engineer

Meeting Minutes Reviewed by:

Lambrina Tercala, OHM Advisors, DUWA System Manager


  1. Meeting Agenda
  2. April 8, 2021 DUWA Board Meeting Minutes
  3. Monthly Legal Update (by Fausone Bohn)
  4. System Manager Report for May 2021 Board Meeting (by OHM Advisors)
  5. Biosolids Dryer Facility Project April 2021 Monthly Progress Summary (by Veolia)
  6. DUWA Alkali Sewer Rehabilitation Project Change Order 4 Recommendation
  7. MITN Membership Agreement for Services
  8. Cost Extension for Vulnerability Assessment by HRC
  9. CA/CE Services (CO#3) for Intertek associated with 2021 Critical Roof Repairs (WIFIA Prj #4-10)
  10. 1-yr Warranty Extension for SCADA System’s Storage Area Network
  11. PFAS/PFOA Sample Cost Reimbursement
  12. MiCAT Invoice for Previous Services Rendered
  13. Monthly Operating Report for March 2021 (by Veolia)
  14. FY2021 Rate Package
  15. Quarterly Financial Statement – CY2021 Q1
  16. Invoice Register, dated May 7, 2021 (by Doug Drysdale)