1. Roll Call and Introductions

DUWA Chair Gail McLeod (Allen Park) called the virtual meeting to order at 9:02 AM and asked for roll call to be taken. At the time of roll call, voting representatives were in attendance from 10 communities: Allen Park, Belleville, Brownstown Township, Dearborn Heights, Ecorse, Lincoln Park, Romulus, Southgate, Taylor, and Van Buren Township. A quorum (at least 7 members) was present.

2. Approval of Agenda

Copies of the Agenda were made available prior to the meeting (Attachment 1). Motion by Dave Flaten (Ecorse) and supported by Rick Rutherford (Belleville) to approve the Agenda.

Due to the meeting being held virtually, a roll call vote was recommended by DUWA’s attorney for Board actions. A roll call vote was taken and the motion passed with 81.7% of the vote (affirmative vote by all attending members). Motion passed unanimously.

3. Approval of Minutes from August 13, 2020 Board Meeting

Copies of the meeting minutes from the August 13, 2020 Board Meeting were distributed by email prior to the meeting (Attachment 2). Motion by Dustin Lent (Southgate) and supported by Keith Boc (Taylor) to approve the minutes. A roll call vote was taken and the motion passed with 81.7% of the vote (affirmative vote by all attending members). Motion passed unanimously.

4. Legal Update

Attorney Andrea Hayden, of Fausone Bohn, provided the Legal Update and presented the Southgate Wyandotte Discharge Agreement.

a. General Counsel Monthly Report

Attorney Hayden provided a verbal summary of the monthly legal update. A written summary was provided in the pre-meeting Board packet (Attachment 3). Attorney Hayden noted the following highlights from the monthly legal update:
• Fausone Bohn is continuing to assist with the preparation of the WIFIA loan materials and is ensuring all requirements are met regarding the Davis-Bacon Act and American Iron and Steel Act.
• Contract documents for the emergency roof repairs are being prepared and will be presented at the next Board meeting.
• Fausone Bohn is participating in the rate consultant reviews and will be preparing contract documents for retention of the selected rate consultant for presentation at the next Board meeting.

b. Southgate Wyandotte Discharge Agreement

Final revisions to the SWRDDD Discharge Agreement included the addition of paragraph 19, which states that the electrical split and reverse and restricted flow charges will be reevaluated no later than 5 years from the effective date of this Agreement (Attachment 4).

Motion by Roberto Scappaticci (Romulus) and supported by Keith Boc (Taylor) to authorize the Chair to approve the Discharge Agreement between DUWA and the Southgate Wyandotte Relief Drains Drainage District. Greg Mayhew (Wyandotte) joined the meeting during this discussion and was present for the roll call vote. A roll call vote was taken and the motion passed with 80.4% of the vote. Rick Rutherford (Belleville) did not respond. Dustin Lent (Southgate) abstained from voting as he is on the Southgate-Wyandotte Board.

5. System Manager Update

System Manager Vyto Kaunelis, of OHM Advisors, provided a verbal summary of activities since the last meeting. A written summary was in the pre-meeting Board packet for the System Manager Report (Attachment 5).

a. System Manager Monthly Report

System Manager Kaunelis noted the following highlights from the System Manager Report:
• EGLE requested additional information for their review of the Control Measures C memorandum. Responses to their request have been provided. Data shows that the number of blending events per year have significantly decreased since DUWA took over operations.
• The 60% design submittal for the Biosolids Dryer Facility project has been received and the Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) is expected to be received on September 18th. The Technical Committee will review the 60% design submittal and GMP at their next meeting on September 24th. Discussions regarding moving into Phase 2 of the project will occur during a special Board meeting on October 22nd.
• For the third centrifuge for the Biosolids Dryer Facility project, quotes were requested from three manufacturers of spare parts. OHM recommended to continue working with the manufacturer Alfa Laval as they have provided services in the past for the other two centrifuges. Equipment for the third centrifuge will be ordered soon as there is a long lead time.
• There are currently long lead times for equipment and contractor availability for the completion of the Alkali Sewer repair. A no-cost change order to extend the project deadline is on this meeting’s agenda for consideration.
• The roof repair design project is moving along nicely. PSI prepared an emergency repair design package and review comments are being addressed.
• The phosphorous concentrations at the DWTF have increased due to the new permit limits for phosphorous, the lower glycol loading from the airport, and the high load of phosphorous from an unknown source in June. This is resulting in a significant increase in the volume of ferric chloride being used. There are ongoing discussions on how best to address this in the reporting documents.
• The EPA is in the process of preparing the terms and conditions for the WIFIA loan. The EPA also performed an environmental assessment and DUWA received a finding of No Significant Impact.
• Three proposals for the Rate Methodology RFP have been received, and interviews have been scheduled with all three consultants.

Kerry Morgan asked whether the three proposals can be shared outside of the selection committee. System Manager Kaunelis responded that the proposals will be shared after the interviews have been conducted.

b. Emergency Authorization, Intertek-PSI Roof Repair Design CO#1 (WIFIA Prj. 4-10)

During PSI’s roof inspections, PSI identified some emergency repairs that need to be completed this fall. The construction repairs are estimated to be about $25k. PSI’s contract with DUWA is for preparation of one bid document for long-term repair needs. OHM requested PSI to prepare a Change Order request for preparation of the bid document for the emergency needs. Due to these repairs being emergency in nature, OHM, as DUWA’s System Manager, authorized PSI for about $5k to proceed with the Change Order in design and limited bid and construction oversight and administration (Attachment 6). The work will be funded by DUWA’s Small Capital Budget. This project is also WIFIA eligible (Project No. 4-10).

c. Biosolids Dryer Facility Project

The biosolids dryer facility monthly progress report is provided in the pre-meeting Board package (Attachment 7). The 60% design submittal from the DBE team has been received, and the Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) will be received on September 18th. The Technical Committee will review both the 60% design submittal and GMP at its September 24th meeting. A special Board meeting will be held on October 22nd to determine whether to proceed with Phase 2 of the project after the Technical Committee review of the 60% design submittal and GMP.

d. System Manager Annual Review Process

DUWA’s administration policies require an annual review of the System Manager. An online evaluation form is being prepared and will be distributed to the Board commissioners in the coming weeks.

6. Requests for Authorizations

System Manager Lambrina Tercala, of OHM Advisors, provided the following requests to the Board.

a. Repair of Tunnel Pump Station Grippers (WIFIA Prj 4-19)

The need to repair the Tunnel Pump Gripper components was identified as part of the Small Capital Budget planning for the FY2021 rate year. The scope of work is to provide parts to rebuild the Tunnel Pump Station’s gripper and trolley (Attachment 8). This equipment supports the 3-inch bar screens at the plant’s headworks. The existing equipment is manufactured by Brackett Bosker, who is represented by Ovivio, who is the subcontractor to Veolia for this project. DUWA’s Small Capital Budget includes $300k for both the IPS and Tunnel pump gripper work. The DUWA Board authorized $150k for the IPS work in July 2020, and this September request is for the remaining $150k for the Tunnel work. This project is WIFIA eligible. The Technical Committee recommended the IPS work at their June meeting. The Tunnel work is consistent with the IPS work, and will be reviewed by the Technical Committee at their September meeting.

Roberto Scappaticci (Romulus) asked whether prices from various manufacturers were compared. Kelly Irving (Veolia’s Program Manager) responded that only certain components of the system are being replaced and only their current manufacturer will perform component replacement. Replacement of the entire system would be required if a different manufacturer was used, and this would significantly increase the cost.

Motion by Jim Taylor (Van Buren Township) and supported by Dustin Lent (Southgate) to authorize Veolia for a not-to-exceed fee of $150,000 in association with repair of the gripper components. A roll call vote was taken and the motion passed with 92.0% of the vote. Motion passed unanimously with all attending members.

b. Intertek-PSI Roof Repair Design CO#2 (WIFIA Prj 4-10)

Following the roof inspections, PSI prepared an assessment that identified the need for some immediate, emergency repairs, and also recommended an infrared survey. The immediate repair bid documents are currently being prepared by PSI as a part of Change Order #1. This Change Order #2 request is for the infrared survey (Attachment 9). The total cost for this survey is $4,500. Construction oversight was not included in this Change Order, but was included in Change Order #1. The infrared survey is recommended as the results will provide information on the amount of moisture in the existing deck board and where additional deck repair or replacement work is necessary. This information will inform DUWA for FY2022 budgeting. The work will be funded by DUWA’s Small Capital Budget, which includes $225k for design and repair of critical roofs. If Change Order #2 is authorized, the total amount allocated to PSI would be $51,450, which is inclusive of the original scope of work and Change Order #1. This project is also WIFIA eligible. This request has not yet been presented to DUWA’s Technical Committee, but an update will be provided at its September meeting.

The motion was revised to include a not-to-exceed fee of $4,500 as opposed to $4,850 as written in the pre-meeting packet. Motion by Greg Mayhew (Wyandotte) and supported by Dustin Lent (Southgate) to authorize PSI for a not-to-exceed fee of $4,500 for CO#2 in association with an infrared survey. A roll call vote was taken and the motion passed with 92.0% of the vote. Motion passed unanimously with all attending members.

c. Alkali Sewer, Inland Waters CO#1 (WIFIA Prj 2)

DUWA’s contract with Inland Waters for the Alkali Sewer Repair construction work assigns a substantial completion date of 150 days from the Notice to Proceed date. Based on discussions during the pre-construction kickoff meeting and subsequent calls with HRC (project engineer) and Inland Waters, it has been advised that the 150 days should be extended to 240 days to account for unanticipated durations for the shaft work (Attachment 10). The request is for a no fee Change Order as no additional compensation will be assessed to the project due to the extension of time. This request has not been circulated to DUWA’s Committees for review.

Chair Gail McLeod (Allen Park) questioned the actual substantial completion date of April 7, 2021 and the final completion date of June 6, 2021 per Inland Waters’ Change Order request. Greg Mayhew (Wyandotte) noted that HRC is beginning to set up traffic control and construction would begin soon.

Motion by Roberto Scappaticci (Romulus) and supported by Rick Rutherford (Belleville) to authorize the Chair or Vice Chair to sign Inland Waters’ Change Order No. 1 to increase the substantial completion date by 90 days for the Alkali Sewer Repair project. A roll call vote was taken and the motion passed with 92.0% of the vote. Motion passed unanimously with all attending members.

7. Contract Operator Update

Kelly Irving, Veolia’s Program Manager, provided the Contract Operator update.

a. July 2020 MOR

The July 2020 Monthly Operating Report (MOR) was provided in the Board’s pre-meeting packet (Attachment 11). Highlights from the summary and other updates included the following:

• There were no compliance violations in July.
• Flows were relatively low in July, and no bypass events occurred.
• Many big maintenance activities were completed in July due to the dryer weather. Maintenance was completed on the tunnel pump #3, clarifiers, UV disinfection, and centrifuge #2, among others. All lawn maintenance and groundskeeping is now performed in-house due to the high quality of the work by the staff.
• The July 10th 2-inch rain event caused localized flooding at the plant and also street flooding near SWRDDD’s Pump Station No 5., but no bypass was necessary.
• A total of 4.1” of rain fell in July, but was spread out well so the plant had no problems handling it.
• An Operator DC class was hosted at the DWTF.
• Kurian is working with Karlin from OHM on the IPP program with permit reviews and BASF.
• PFAS levels are slightly up but are within the accuracy of testing.
• Veolia is working to find potable water to use for the Screened Final Effluent (SFE) which will provide a savings on utility bills.

Kerry Morgan asked how high water through the plant impacts the tunnel. Program Manager Irving responded that Veolia monitors the IPS and Tunnel levels and pushes water through the plant to keep tunnel levels low.

    8. Treasurer’s Report

    a. Pending Invoices

    Jason Couture (Treasurer) presented the invoice register for a request for payment. The invoice register was provided in the pre-meeting packet (Attachment 12). The invoice register included 34 invoices due for a total of $3,313,944.37. Largest invoices included those to US Bank for semi-annual bond payments, Veolia for O&M services and unit cost reconciliation, Walsh for their effort on the biosolids project, and Wyandotte for utility services. Motion by Dave Flaten (Ecorse) and supported by Dustin Lent (Southgate) to pay the invoices. A roll call vote was taken and the motion passed with 92.0% of the vote. Motion passed unanimously with all attending members.

    9. Public Comment

    There was no public comment.

    10. Other Business

    There were no items brought forth for consideration as “Other Business” items.

    11. Next Meeting Date: Thursday, October 8, 2020 (Virtual via Zoom)

    Chairperson McLeod (Allen Park) reminded the Board that the next meeting would be on Thursday, October 8, 2020, and would be conducted virtually via Zoom.

    12. Adjournment

    There being no other business, Chairperson McLeod (Allen Park) announced that a motion to adjourn would be in order. Motion by Jim Taylor (Van Buren Township) and supported by Roberto Scappaticci (Romulus) to adjourn the meeting. A roll call vote was taken and the motion passed with 92.0% of the vote at 10:01 AM. Motion passed unanimously with all attending members.

    Meeting Minutes Prepared by:

    Mackenzie Johnson, OHM Advisors, Engineer

    Meeting Minutes Reviewed by:

    Lambrina Tercala, OHM Advisors, DUWA System Manager


    1. Meeting Agenda
      2. August 13, 2020 DUWA Board Meeting Minutes
      3. Monthly Legal Update (by Fausone Bohn)
      4. Southgate Wyandotte Relief Drains Drainage District Discharge Agreement
      5. System Manager Report for September 2020 Board Meeting (by OHM Advisors)
      6. Emergency Authorization, Intertek-PSI Roof Repair Design CO#1 (WIFIA Prj 4-10)
      7. DUWA Biosolids Dryer Facility Monthly Progress Summary (by Veolia)
      8. Request to Repair Tunnel Gripper Components
      9. Request to Authorize CO#2 by Intertek-PSI Roof Design (WIFIA Prj 4-10)
      10. Request for Inland Waters CO#1 for Time Extension
      11. Monthly Operating Report for July 2020 (by Veolia)
      12. Invoice Register, dated September 2, 2020 (by Jason Couture)